Planyo Help :: Configuration page: Schedule settings

The following settings are accessible through the backend configuration page "Schedule settings" located at

Option grouping "Single reservation template"

Use custom template
This template determines how the reservations will be displayed in the schedule. You can use the following tags: $(reservation_id) - ID of the reservation, $(resource) - name of the resource, $(name) - customer's name, $(rental_duration) - full duration (start time and end time), $(start_time), $(start_date), $(start_timestamp), $(end_time), $(end_date), $(end_timestamp) - rental's start and end times (same as in Q204), $(prop_xxx) - reservation form item, $(prop_res_xxx) - custom resource property, $(user_notes) - user notes, $(admin_notes) - private admin notes, $(details_url) - url of the page with the reservation details, $(status) - status of the reservation, $(quantity) - number of units reserved, $(multiple_quantity) - same as quantity but only displayed when quantity is greater than 1, $(full_info) - detailed information about the reservation including all additional columns selected in 'Edit dashboard', $(price) - rate quoted for the reservation, $(email) - customer's email, $(phone), $(phone_mobile), $(phone_fixed), ... - customer's phone number (note that you can use all the $(phone_xxx) tags listed in Q204 for different formats)$(rental_color_description), $(rental_color) - prints the color label / color of the reservationThe template can also use general tags (how to use tags?). Please see the following FAQ questions for a detailed tag list:Conditional printing of textsUniversal tags
CSS style editor

Option grouping "Day view - Field size"


Option grouping "Week view - Field size"


Option grouping "Single resource view - Field size"


Option grouping "Other"

Use 1-hour columns (compatibility mode)
Switching this option on will result in 30-minute periods being grouped together in 1-hour columns. This is the old way the day schedule used to work and is usually not recommended.
Vacations - Height
Resource ordering
[Possible drop-down choices: Resource, Resource ID]