Planyo Help :: Configuration page: Customize activity overview dashboard

The following settings are accessible through the backend configuration page "Customize activity overview dashboard" located at

Option grouping ""

Pending reservations
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Upcoming reservations
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Latest reservations entered
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Reservations in progress
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Confirmed reservations
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Past reservations
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Checked in
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Not completed
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Cancelled by client
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Price quotations
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Cancelled by admin
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show 5 items, Show 10 items, Show 15 items, Show 20 items, Show 25 items]
Calendar overview / Schedule
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Schedule, Flexible multi-view, Calendar preview - max 10 Resources, Calendar preview - max 20 Resources, Calendar preview - max 30 Resources, Calendar preview - max 40 Resources, Calendar preview - max 50 Resources, Calendar preview - max 60 Resources, Calendar preview - max 70 Resources, Calendar preview - max 80 Resources, Calendar preview - max 90 Resources, Calendar preview - max 100 Resources]
Calendar overview - extra parameters (all resources)
Use this field to set the default parameters for the calendar previews shown in the backend where multiple resources are listed. Go to Integrate with my website / widgets / calendar preview / tag for this calendar preview -- or see Q173 in the FAQ to check the possible parameters.
Calendar overview - extra parameters (single resource)
Use this field to set the default parameters for the calendar previews shown in the backend where a single resource is shown. Go to Integrate with my website / widgets / calendar preview / tag for this calendar preview -- or see Q173 in the FAQ to check the possible parameters.
[Possible drop-down choices: Hide, Show all resources and property filters, Show all resources and property filters / Reorder: 1.Property filter 2.Resources, Show published resources and property filters, Show published resources and property filters / Reorder: 1.Property filter 2.Resources, Only resources]
Show resources which can only be reserved as part of a package
Activity statistics

Option grouping "Additional columns in reservation lists and schedule"

Reservation notes
Private admin notes
Rental duration
Rental duration chosen
Amount outstanding
ZIP/Postal code
Email address