Tutorial: Administration of a Planyo account by multiple users (4 / 4)
Meta sites group multiple planyo sites together allowing for common administration and integration on a website (common search / listings / shopping cart etc.). If the same planyo user is the metasite administrator and the administrator of the planyo site which should be added to a metasite, then no confirmation must be done, in META site settings you can select the participating planyo sites using the checkboxes. In case the site admin and the meta site admin are different users, the meta site admin can specify the ID of the site they wish to add to their meta site. This will send an email request to the administrator of this planyo site containing a link which, when clicked, adds the site to the meta site. From this moment on, the META site admin has full access to the reservations made on the metasite level -- the ones made on the site level are not visible to the meta admin unless they are also a moderator/admin for the site.
It's also possible to add one or more moderators on the metasite level. This process works in the same way as adding moderators on the site level.