FAQ Q219: How can I remove the planyo logo and name?

Section: Integration with my website

Removing the planyo logo from the reservation pages (frontend) in advanced integration

You should go to Site settings / CSS style editor, then in the desktop options and in the mobile options you should unselect the option checkbox Add 'Powered by planyo'. Note: If you're not yet using the planyo schemes, you can also do this by adding the following line to your CSS:
.poweredby {display:none;}

By default, emails sent to your customers will also have the FROM field set to a @planyo.com address (although the REPLY-TO field will be set to your address). You can change this as well to completely remove the planyo name from your emails, see Q188 for the detailed instructions

The instructions above let you completely remove the planyo naming from advanced integration.

Removing the planyo logo from the backend

If you want to remove the planyo name/logo also from the backend, we have the following solutions/suggestions:
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