Planyo Help :: Configuration page: Search results template

The following settings are accessible through the backend configuration page "Search results template" located at

Option grouping "Outer template"

Global result code
Verify code
This template lets you specify the HTML code which will be used only once for the whole search result list. The template must contain the tag: $(results) which will be replaced by Planyo with a list of individual results (see the template below).The special tags that you can use here are: $(goog_map_results), also in the form of $(goog_map_results_W_H) and $(goog_map_results_W_H_Z) or $(goog_map_results_W_H_Z:params).This tag embeds a google map with positions of all results. If the site itself has the coordinates entered in site settings, it will be also present on the map. You can optionally set the map width and height (W and H in the tag) and also the default zoom (Z). If omitted, width and height will be set to 100 pixels and zoom level will be 12. E.g. $(goog_map_results_200_200_11) will use the size of 200x200 pixels with the zoom level of 11You can also use the tags $(search_start_date) and $(search_end_date) which will be replaced with the searched dates (start and end) or their timestamp-based versions $(search_start_timestamp) and $(search_end_timestamp) and $(is_upcoming_availability) which will be replaced with 'yes' for upcoming availability or with empty text for search, $(is_shopping_cart_search) will be replaced with 'yes' when the search is performed inside the shopping cart suggestions. In the template you can also use the $(result_count) tag that will be replaced with the number of matching results, $(days_until_start_date) that will be replaced with the number of days left until the start search date, $(search_period_days), $(search_period_hours), $(search_period_minutes) which will be replaced with the search period expressed in days, hours or minutes. $(search_period_extended) will print the number of days the search period was extended by if the search box included the option to find also shorter periods and an extension was chosen. In all other cases the value will be empty.The search filters are represented by the tags $(filter_prop_res_xxx) and $(filter_prop_cal_yyy) which return custom resource property filter xxx and custom site property filter yyy, respectively. $(prop_xxx) will return the value of a form item named xxx used as a filter (or used as a way to update the price in the search results) in the search box. If you use the special tag $(list_unavailable_resources) (this tag will never add anything to the output), the search results will also list unavailable resources (always at the end regardless of your sorting criterium). In such case, your resource result code template (inner template) defined below can use the tags $(is_available) and $(is_unavailable) which take the value Yes (when true) or an empty text (when not true).This template can also use tags which control paging, that is division of results into multiple pages, (in case paging is activated in settings/active features): $(paging_navigation) outputs a complete navigation with links to the other pages, you don't need any other tags in order to add paging to your results; $(paging_prev_url), $(paging_next_url), $(paging_page_url:N) - URLs of previous, next page and to page number N, $(paging_current_page), $(paging_max_page), $(paging_results_per_page), $(paging_last_result_shown), $(paging_first_result_shown) - other tags with important information about paging. You can use the iterator and conditional tags together with these tags in order to create your own navigation between the different pages.The template can also use general tags (how to use tags?). Please see the following FAQ questions for a detailed tag list:Tag playgroundConditional printing of textsUniversal tagsSite data

Option grouping "Inner template (Resource result code)"

Here you can choose how each individual search result will be inserted into the list (outer template). Select whether you want to show results in a table or as blocks of HTML code
Edit as
[Possible drop-down choices: Table, Block]
Verify code
The special tags you can use here (besides the ones listed under the outer template) are:$(result_number) - result number$(available_time_ranges), $(available_time_ranges:N) - used only for search types which don't necessarily return whole search periods but also shorter periods. If this is the case, this tag is replaced with a list of periods available for reservation. The version with the colon can be used to limit the number of ranges to N (the rest shown when a 'show all' button is clicked)$(available_time_ranges_without_link), $(available_time_ranges_without_link:N) - the same as $(available_time_ranges) but periods are shown without links to the reservation page.$(available_time_range) - first available period, without formatting$(available_time_range_count) - number of periods found$(available_time_range_start_time:x), $(available_time_range_start_date:x), $(available_time_range_end_time:x), $(available_time_range_end_date:x), $(available_time_range_hours:x), $(available_time_range_start_timestamp:x), $(available_time_range_end_timestamp:x), $(available_time_range_url:x), $(available_time_range_price:x) - details of the period number x. You can use this inside an iterator e.g.: $(foreach:$(available_time_range_count)) Range #$(it): $(available_time_range_start_date:$(it)) $(endfor)$(price) - rate for the searched period$(price_net) - rate without tax$(reserve_url) - URL of the reservation page for the search result$(quantity_available) - quantity available for rental during searched period (not available when searching for all shorter available periods within specified day or days with the range_search parameter)$(is_upcoming_availability) - 'yes' for upcoming availability and empty text for search, $(is_shopping_cart_search) - 'yes' if the search was performed inside the shopping cart template, otherwise empty$(is_shopping_cart_search) - 'yes' when the search is performed inside the shopping cart suggestions$(is_applied_rule_number:X), $(get_applied_rule_number:X), $(applied_rule_count), $(applied_rule_row_number:X), $(applied_rule_unit_type:X), $(applied_rule_unit_price:X), $(applied_rule_price_diff:X), $(applied_rule_price_before:X), $(applied_rule_price_after:X) - $(is_applied_rule_number:X) will be non-empty if rule number X in Pricing Manager was applied. Otherwise it will be replaced by empty text. For the other pricing manager rule tags listed here, see Q204 If your Global result code template included the tag $(list_unavailable_resources), you can use the tags $(is_available) and $(is_unavailable) to find out if the resource is available or not during the search period. Both tags can take the value Yes (when true) or an empty text (when not true)$(geolocation_distance), $(geolocation_distance_miles) - when using max radius (GPS geolocation) search option, these tags print distance of a result from the search point. They return distance respectively in kilometers or miles. You can check if geolocation is used by the value of the tag $(is_geolocation_used) which has the value of Yes or No.$(additional_product_count), $(get_additional_product_number:N), $(additional_product_name:x), $(additional_product_price:x), ..., $(product_price) - you can use these product tags (see Q204 for a full list) in order to get info about the additional products added by default to reservations$(unit-name) - if you're listing units as separate results, this will give you the unit nameThe template can also use general tags (how to use tags?). Please see the following FAQ questions for a detailed tag list:Tag playgroundConditional printing of textsUniversal tagsSite dataResource data
Add header to the table
Number of columns
Edit columns
Customize style
Using the options above you can set up the look of the table that will list the search results. You can add or hide the header row and choose how many columns will be shown in the table. Click the Edit columns button to enter the contents of the columns and Customize style to modify the table's CSS styles.